Perks of the Pixie Cut

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I had a pixie cut for about five years; I cut it in 2015 and decided to grow it out in 2020. At the time, I was unemployed and then the pandemic happened. I wasn’t seeing many people so it seemed as good as time as any. Although to be honest, growing it out wasn’t nearly as awkward as I expected it to be. 

A year of growing out my pixie! 2020 - 2021. And this was all with my hair straight. Definitely had some good curl moments during the grow out!

But continuing the honesty, I thought I was past my pixie era. I like my curls. My favorite look is probably a classic, straight bob though. With my natural curls and having a lot of thick hair, it wasn’t the easiest look for me to have day-to-day. My curls did not do well without layers. And frankly, I didn’t want to spend the time styling it straight everyday. 

Still, it was to my surprise that I recently found myself thinking about going back for a chop. My hair was only about chin-length, and I was frustrated with my curls. They truly have a mind of their own! Before I decided to do anything, I texted several friends that I was thinking about it. The responses were overwhelmingly “doooooo it.” A few days later, I re-debuted the pixie. 

I did bring up to two of my friends a concern I had with going back to the pixie: dating, and specifically, dating apps. I couldn’t deny that I got more matches with long hair. Dating apps already suck. It’s such a crapshoot being single. I didn’t want to make it more difficult. 

Both friends basically told me, “fuck that,” and specifically asked me if I wanted to be with a guy who wouldn’t date me because I have short hair. I didn’t disagree. And there’s nothing wrong with having preferences obviously, but there are probably worst things about me to reject me on other than my hair length. 

So that con was acknowledged and tossed aside. But I was actually worried about how a pixie was going to look on me. During my first pixie era, I was thinner. And not just with getting older (a whole five years), I was also much more active when I grew my hair out. This was actually around the time my leg did begin to deteriorate to the point that any amount of walking caused serious pain. So - I gained weight. 

If you Google “who should get a pixie cut,” you’ll see words and phrases such as “slender,” “fine features,” “slim,” “angular face shape,” etc. None of which have really ever applied for me. 

You will not see “double chin” or “chubby cheeks.” Going into it, I probably was more nervous than the first time because my face is heavier. However - and this is really important - I trusted my hair stylist. 

Aaaand…she delivered. Duh. Immediately was obsessed with it (Amanda is the best). 

Last Weekend of December 2024 vs. January 20th

It’s only been a couple weeks but the perks of the pixie are in full swing. 

One con is evident, however - my ears are cold. We’ve been hit with an artic blast that’s bringing the coldest (in the negatives!) temperatures we’ve seen in about ten years. My ears are cold.

Now, I’m going to talk about some of those perks. 

  1. Ease of styling: Currently, I don’t have enough hair for it to have a mind of its own. Frustration with styling my curls definitely influenced my decision to go back to a pixie. It dries a helluva lot quicker too, which is a huge plus at the gym and I use my little terry cloth hair wrap. I only need to straighten the front. I bought this ½ inch barrel curling iron for my gym days and I might end up buying a second because this thing is that good. It is literally perfect for what I need.

  2. Showing off jewelry: Accessories - specifically, earrings - can really ramp up the pixie’s look. It absolutely helps it look feminine. Even a pair of pearl posts adds to it. But also - I make and sell jewelry! Earrings more than anything. Of course I love showing them off. No more hiding behind my hair or needing clips and headbands so you can see them. 

  3. I’m wearing makeup more: I’m not a patient person and I stay in bed as long as possible basically. I’m not spending nearly as much time on my hair each morning - typically very little - and I’ve been doing my makeup a little bit more. I don’t think I’m that good at doing my makeup so that’s not a bad thing to try. I feel like I’ve already improved at doing my eyeliner which is a plus!

  4. It stands out: Some of these perks could be considered to be conceited, and this might be one of those. It does stand out, however. I don’t hate that. Life is too short to be boring. 

  5. Less sweaty: Like I said before, I have a lot of hair on my head. A lot. Also, I overheat easily which means I sweat a lot. I despise the feeling of layers of sweat within my hair. 

  6. Won’t blow in my face: I have had longer-than-pixie-length hair the majority of my life. Yet, over the past four years (specifically, spring and summer), my hair blowing around my face when driving with open windows drives me nuts! 

  7. Less decision-making: I wake up with my hair looking the same everyday. I’m not debating if I want to wear it curly or straight. This might not seem like a big deal. I appreciate it, though. 

  8. Using less product: Yes, with a pixie you have to get haircuts more often. But less hair also means using less product. And I’m using less kinds of product, unlike with my curls. I’m still figuring out what products to use with my pixie (however - so far this R+Co Velvet Curtain Texture Balm is tops for, well, texture. Other products I’m using include Redken One United All-In-One Leave In Conditioner and the ever-popular Batiste Dry Shampoo).

  9. Feeling more adventurous: I don’t know. I feel like I’m more willing to try more different things when it comes to beauty and fashion right now. A couple of the articles I read on pixie cuts (pros/cons, who should/shouldn’t get one, kinds of pixies, etc.) stated how you get a ton of compliments with a pixie. I think part of that is the surprise factor but maybe it’s dopamine from compliments adding to my confidence? (Somebody tell me if I choose something that looks dumb). 

  10. It looks good: I like how it looks, regardless of what anyone else thinks. I’m not saying it wouldn’t hurt if someone told me it made me look ugly or they hated how it looks on me because it would, but when I look in the mirror, I like how my hair looks. What else can I ask for?

I do, however, need new headshots and photos for my website so recommendations there, even if just places to take photos. And I guess I’ll have to be more social to get new photos for the dating apps. One thing at a time.


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