Meet Me: Tori

Content creation is my game.

I don’t fit into a box. Never have, and probably never will. There’s so much to learn in this world - possibilities are endless. I always want to learn more - there’s an entire universe of knowledge to discover!

In that universe is your world and business. You have a story to tell. And as a content creator, I’m here to help you tell it.

Storytelling is more than putting words to a page. Telling your story is a process. Your needs and goals will help us identify the best mediums to use. We’ll write out your story and polish the language as needed. Then it is time to make your story heard so others can learn how you’re the A-game in your industry!

What’s My Story:

How It Started:

  • I have a BA in English from Robert Morris University (PA) and a Master of Public Administration from Penn State.

    At RMU, I was part of the Honors Program which required the completion of an undergraduate thesis. This ended up being a driving force for my career. In addition to the program requirements, I presented my thesis, "Allegheny County Volunteer Fire Departments and the Issue of Consolidation” at the Pennsylvania State Capitol. I later adapted the paper as a magazine article for Fire Engineering, which has been cited six times (The citing is my brag). This started my firefighting magazine writing career; more articles can be found on my portfolio page.

    As the Honors Program Student Assistant, I also gained valuable marketing and communications experience: In addition to the Facebook page and newsletter the program already had, I added a blog, Twitter account, and LinkedIn account.

    My Penn State education made me a much better researcher, writer, and overall communicator. Most importantly, it made me a more succinct writer - keep it clear and concise!

Industries I’ve worked with include firefighting/public safety, nonprofit, financial/treasury services, and transportation (specifically rail).

Topics I’ve Worked On:

  • Sustainability

  • Technology

  • Leadership

  • Mental Health

  • Mentoring

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  • Safety

  • Mindfulness

  • Government

  • Business

To get a feel of my writing and style, check out my portfolio and blog. I don’t focus on any one topic or theme for my blog - like I said, there’s too many possibilities out there to limit myself! My blog does get personal - but, hey, I’m human. I have a story to tell, too.

Some more about me:

  • I joined a volunteer fire department at 14 and was certified as an EMT by 16. When I was a kid, my dad was the local chief. My brothers and my mom are all members as well.

  • Pittsburgh proud, born and raised!

  • I got Carl Weathers to say “Yinz.”

  • I was an extra in The Dark Knight Rises.

  • If you haven’t figured it out, I’m a huge nerd.

  • My hobbies include reading, writing (my career, my hobby, my passion), making jewelry, trivia, watching movies, watching documentaries/listening to podcasts, watching sports, Star Wars theorizing, and more.

  • There was a time in my life where working out was my favorite part of my day, until an injury sidelined me. That was 2018. Three surgeries on my left leg later, I’m still looking for answers, with chronic pain, and serious limitations. I hope that eventually I can go back to walking, yoga, and biking.