
  • Volunteer Fire Department Consolidation in Pennsylvania

    This article is based off of my Robert Morris University Honors Undergraduate thesis ("Allegheny County Volunteer Fire Departments and the Issue of Consolidation”) analyzing the state of the volunteer fire service, issues facing volunteers, and the role of consolidation.

    As well, it delves into the benefits and disadvantages of consolidation and when it should/should not be utilized. This article has been cited seven times by others. Full thesis available upon request.

    July 2014 - Fire Engineering (print)

  • Maintaining Mental Health: Resources for Firefighters

    Maintaining mental health is critical for firefighters and all first responders. This article examines the growing mental health problem in the fire service and provides ideas on maintaining mental health.

    March 2019 - FirefighterNation.com

  • How Mentoring Can Foster Officer Development

    Often, firefighters look to their officers as mentors. What impact does mentoring have on developing those officers and preparing them for the responsibilities of the role? Two officers shared their insights.

    June 2019 - FireRescue1.com

  • Mental Fitness and Firefighting

    Actively assessing and responding to your mental health is beneficial to firefighter’s off and on the job, just as it is for physical health. This article looks at maintaining mental fitness and the importance of resiliency.

    December 2021 - CRACKYLmag.com

  • Thoughts on Therapy

    Dissecting myths on therapy and the ins-and-outs of different types of therapy and their applicable situations

    Issue 4 January 2022 - April 2022 CRACKYL Magazine Pages 80 -81

  • Internal Size-Up for Mental Health

    How performing a regular “internal size up” can help maintain your mental health and recognize issues.

    June 2022 Pages 56 - 57 CRACKYLmag.com

  • Embracing tech tools to help manage your volunteer fire department

    Examining the technology tools that can assist volunteer fire departments in managing their administrative tasks.

    March 2023 - FireRescue1.com

  • Beyond Mental Health Awareness

    Discussing mental health conditions in-depth.

    CRACKYLmag.com - 2022

  • Managing Chronic Illness on the Clock

    Many firefighters are proactive in managing the health risks associated with firefighting, but some begin the job with a history of managing chronic illness. In certain instances, the seriousness of their condition may impact their eligibility for hire, or it may be monitored throughout their career.

    2024 - CRACKYLmag.com