2025 Writing Goals

I might be a little late to the 2025 Goal-Setting Party, but at least it’s still the first month of the year. I have 11 full months to achieve!

So let’s talk about goals - I’m not great at resolutions or goals. Especially SMART goals. It’s the “measurable” that gets me. My mind isn’t great at quantifiables. Typically, I don’t set them.

If you don’t know, SMART goals are goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Corporate speak loves ‘em. 

But I was working on my writer’s bullet journal and writing out things I wanted to accomplish on different aspects of the freelance/creative writing business - writing, editing, marketing, business, networking, etc., (Note: I have a bullet journal for my writing and jewelry making and that was one of the best decisions ever. That is a discussion for another day) and I noticed that I actually had written down some things that would fit the SMART goal criteria.

After ~reflecting~ on 2024, it was obvious to me that I didn’t grow much as a writer in the last year, and I wasn’t really happy with that. I had written some articles I thought were great, but I also felt like I could have done more last year.

One of my biggest problems is that I always have numerous ideas, but they just kind of sit in my brain scattered. Sometimes, they might bounce around like a pinball game.

And, ultimately, what it comes down to is that I want to write more. Write all the things, basically. But, knowing myself, I know there has to be a balance between structure (which I need to keep me on task) and flexibility (so I don’t needlessly stress myself out).

I’d like to get more side writing gigs, but right now going freelance full-time is nowhere on my radar. So it is one thing if I have a deadline for something freelance, but the rest of it is just me. 

I like to say that writing is my career, my passion, and my hobby. I don’t want to lose any of those. With that in mind, here are my 2025 writing goals.

  1. Publish at least 12 blog posts: One of my biggest accomplishments this year would be if I could blog consistently. This is typically where “measurable” gets me - a lot of people would say to aim for once a week. But I think, for me and what is currently going on in my life, once a month is reasonable and hopefully, I can do more. Get that dopamine!

  2. Write at least once a week: Many, many, many writers are adamant that you have to write every day. I am not one of them. I probably spend at least an hour every day thinking about writing, what I want to work on, where to get inspiration, analyzing the writing of whatever I’m reading. But - and perhaps this is blasphemy for a writer - I can’t force myself to write. I probably do write more days than I realize because they’re just bits in a notebook somewhere that very well may never see the light of day (or computer). However, I am thinking that to best hone and optimize my writing practice, I need to set time aside once a week to work on a specific project. Maybe not even the same project week to week. For me, this is about writing with a goal in mind.

  3. Take a class or webinar once a quarter: There are so many amazing writing resources out there. And I’m always looking to learn more about writing. I think this one will be the easiest for me to achieve. I already have lectures from Reedsy to listen to, classes with Poytner, and a content editing class with Edit Republic. I am not looking at just writing classes; it’s editing, fact checking, social media, rhetoric, etc. I want to be a well-rounded writer (and, also, to be fair, in my to 9 to 5 I do a lot of editing and proofreading so it is never a bad idea to work on those skills).

  4. Write a short story or five poems (or a novel if I’m overachieving): Part of what I want to do in 2025 is to add variety to my writing. My ultimate goal is to someday publish a book (which is why that’s my overachieving add-on) but I think it would be good practice to mix it up.

  5. Enter a writing contest: And this goes hand-in-hand with good practice. Writing contests can offer interesting prompts and let me step out of my comfort zones. I think I’m pretty decent at the article/essay format, but I would like to improve my creative writing. So 4&5 definitely go together. 

  6. Improve planning: You have your plotters and your pantsers, and as much as my nature is to go by the seat of my pants, the chaos of my brain would undoubtedly benefit from plotting. Organizing my thoughts in general fits pretty well here. I’m not just talking about a potential book - articles, blog posts, even ideas. 

  7. Pitch to a non-public safety/first responder outlet: So far, everything I’ve published has been basically for firefighting publications. And - for me - it goes without saying that I want to continue writing in those spaces; I may not be able to be a firefighter anymore, but I can still be a voice. However, I would like to grow beyond those spaces as well. I know that right now is a crazy time for publications, but, in the words of Elphaba, “Some things I cannot change, but ‘till I try I’ll never know.” And that is what my 2025 writing vision is about - trying new things. Pushing my limits as a writer and seeing what I can do.

  8. Build a brand, audience, and platform: As I said, I have no plans to try and go freelance full-time. I really, really just love writing and if I can make some extra money doing that, it would be a wonderful plus. There definitely is a business aspect to it all. But I also want my writing to reach people. I want to connect with people through my writing. Building a business and wider network is really important as a writer, especially as I look for new opportunities. 

  9. Write posts/articles in three new topics/niches: I have overwhelmingly written in health spaces and a lot of review-based posts. Niching down is something I don’t necessarily want to do because I don’t want to limit myself, and, besides, it’s my blog that I’m doing for the hell of it so I’ll do whatever the hell I want. However, we’re back to those comfort zones, and I need to go outside them. I would like to do more in e-commerce and sports spaces as well as venturing into beauty, fashion, finance, etc., - there are three new ones right there! And I have ideas for new topics sitting there in spreadsheets! I do think it would be cool to find ways to tie in my jewelry-making and (hopefully) soon-to-be small business and my blog. I’m always open to suggestions on what to write about!

  10. Write more on Medium and Substack: This goes with the brand, audience, and platform, but I think Medium and Substack could be good ways to build those. I’ve written on Medium before (and read other articles there all the time); it is more or less something I need to do more consistently.

  11. Outline a novel: It’s simple - my ultimate goal is to publish a novel. Again, I have what sometimes feels like countless ideas for a novel. I also know how critical I can be when reading a novel and I hold myself to above those standards (and am trying to read more in those spaces where I want to write). And it is also not just outlining the story - it is figuring out the research, the characters, themes, maintaining consistency, etc. I don’t know how other people write their novels, I know some people can just sit down and write a book - I don’t think I’m one of them. If I want to actually do this, I need to organize the shit out of it. And this…this is easily the most intimidating thing on my list. This, I believe, will be the most difficult goal to achieve. Because it is so much more than just an outline to me. Hopefully, that makes sense.

That’s my writing plan for 2025. I’d love for others to share their goals or resolutions. Since I am a writer by career, I am especially interested in anyone else who has career-focused goals for the year ahead.


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